However, even though it means a great deal to hear a thank you in a letter, I've always found that it means more when you appreciate someone out loud. So, I just want to say that although Mom and I argue, just as every other mother-daughter combo in America, that I have been extremely blessed to be loved by someone so much. I am an extremely difficult person, and I often pushed away my mom's comfort when I really needed it the most. You know what is absolutely amazing? She knew that I was not alright when I said I was fine, and she knew that her comfort, love, and prayers were needed more than ever. And, because she ignored my request for her to stop worrying about me, she helped me through all of the rough patches I met down the road. Let me tell you something, you are NEVER too old to cry to your mother, and they are never too busy to let you know that they are there, even if it's just so you will have someone to cry to. I am not a mother, so I do not know this for sure, but it seems like the hardest job known to mankind. I can't imagine the amount of dedication it takes to stand by someone who sometimes treats you like absolute crap. It seems as though when we, as humans, are hurting inside, we often push away the person who means the most to us. When I look back on a certain period of time, I see that each person who stood by me, even when I tried my best to push them away, are the people who I love the most. And, you know what? I'm pretty positive they love me back just as much.
So, thank you, Mom. You know all that you did. It was ME who didn't realize how much you had done for me! I hope you believe me when I say that I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
I love myself because YOU LOVED ME FIRST!

I thought my very best mother's day gift was the poem you wrote for me a few years ago. But now I believe my customized new CD, explanation of each selected song, and the letter is even more precious.
A gift from the heart tops any gift because it is a pure present from the heart. Thanks...I love you, Twirl!
On this Mother's Day, there were lots of crowded restaurants, lots of "quick" purchases at stores, and lots of money made from off-the-rack cards. What we need more of are the kinds of from-the-heart, thoughtful, creative expressions such as yours.
While I don't often leave you comments, I always read your blog. In fact, I have subscribed to it so that everytime you write something, I know about it the same day.
In life, we often say and even write things that later we wish we had not. I have a feeling that what you have written here is something that over time you and your mom will cherish more and more. You are lucky to have her...and she is lucky to have you!
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