Do you try & treat others as you would want to be treated?:
I think that for a long time, I failed to think about the way I made other people feel. This means that I also did not consider how I would feel if the tables were turned. But, I can say that I really do try to do this now. I still fail sometimes, but I am definitely trying.
Does price or brand REALLY matter?:
I am really not the best grocery shopper in the world. That's about all I can say.
Who comes first in your life?:
I really do not know. I haven't thought about this lately. Every single day is different, and I think that it depends on what the day brings.
If you could help better the world,would you?:
I think that's why we're all here. We are all trying to find out what kind of mark we were meant to make while we're on Earth. Everybody wants to make a difference. Everybody wants to be remembered for doing something that changed the world. That's the easy part. That's a given. The real battle comes with trying to find out HOW we can make that mark, make a difference, and be remembered. That's where faith comes into the picture. That's the reason we're all trying to follow whatever path God has for us. We want to believe that He meant for us to do great things with our time here. It means that He is real, and that he believes in us as much as we do Him. It's the beauty of life.
If so,how?:
However I'm meant to.
Do you think it matters what others think of you?:
I think that it is really hard when others think something about me that I feel is unfair. I think that it really hurts to have someone say things about you that are not true. I think that it does matter what other people think. If I believe that I am a truly wonderful person, but everyone else thinks that I am horrible, then the problem is probably the perception I have of the type of person I am. However, I also believe that there are some people who will not like the type of person that I am, and I will not change myself just to make certain people like me. There is a big difference between everybody and certain people.
Are you able to have more than 1 friend at a time?:
Uh, seriously? I am not in elementary school. I would be miserable with just one friend. I like them all. They add SO much to my life!
What type of news grabs your attention the most?:
News about people that I know, I'd say.
Wish you could change anything in your life?:
Well, as nice as it would be to suddenly have millions of dollars and a few degrees, I'm pretty sure I would be the laziest sack of lard in the world if I had everything that I wanted. Oh, and life would be extremely boring. That would really suck.
Do you think all those close to you are always honest with you?:
I don't think anybody is ALWAYS honest with ANYBODY.
If you could remove 1 thing from the world,what would it be?:
In any case,do you feel it's ok to cheat?:
Obviously, I would never win a board game if I did not cheat. :) Don't worry, I'm pretty open about this cheating, haha! It is not hidden very well.
What is your opinion on the world today?:
I think that our opinion of the world today will match the opinions of other people from different time periods. There has always been hate, war, anger, love, secrets, and insecurity. People have always thought that the world was ending. People have always looked back at the way things were when they were children and thought about how much simpler life was then. Times change... but the nature of human beings remains constant.
Who can you count on the most?:
I've been leaning pretty heavily on God lately. He is always there!
You always wanted to....?:
go to Europe.
Believe in "what goes around comes around"?:
know any good sites or info that others may benefit from?:
I go to every single day that I feel like I've had the worst day ever. Then, I laugh A LOT. We all love it, and it is hilarious!
You win a million playing lotto,would you help /share with others?:
I already have my charities picked out in case this ever happens!
Money DOES make the world go around because...?:
there is a price to everything...
All kids should have...?:
the chance to have great health care and solid educations.
What is one thing you will not give up?:
my dreams!
Would you risk your life to save a life?:
I don't think that anybody thinks before they put themselves in this situation. The people who do risk their lives to save another do it because of instinct.
What has been your mood while answering these questions?:
I'm really, REALLY exhausted. I'm going to go to sleep now. Goodnight.