What is it that I still see in you?
My reflection is one of a stranger,
Full of mystery, full of danger
Where is that girl, that brave dreamer?
Do you know her? Have you seen her?
Is she out there fighting the battles of the world?
Does she wish she were still that strong little girl?
Is my heart really made of stone?
Is all of my hope already gone?
Come back to be, sweet motivation.
Please, take away all complication.
I lost everything, and it set me free.
But, it also took away a part of me.
The puzzle box spilled onto the floor
The wind blew the pieces out of the door.
Pieces of me were gone with the wind,
And I know that I’ll never see them again.
Parts of my past went into the sky,
And at that moment, I learned how to fly.
When I do not know just what to say
I remember how free I felt that day
Then, just as I did before
I pour the pieces onto the floor.

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