Dr. Rice spoke about the importance of following one's passion, no matter how long it may take to figure out what that passion may be. As a college senior who changed her major her junior year, just as Dr. Rice did, I found comfort in knowing that I made the right decision for myself. The road that led to this decision was full of twists and turns, laughter and tears, fear and hope, and plenty of ups and downs. However, each obstacle that I had to face taught me something about myself that I would have not known otherwise. If every part of my college career had been perfect, I would probably already be out of school with a degree that would allow me to get a job. But, I doubt I would be doing with my life what I am meant to do. Conquering obstacles forces one to realize just how much he or she can accomplish. The best things in life never come easy. In fact, life's greatest rewards come from doing the things that terrify us the most. Dr. Rice spoke of a certain counselor that told her she was not college material. What would our country be like if she had listened to this bad advice? Fortunately, she chose to overcome that obstacle. She fought that battle. And, she won.
What if, when looking at the big picture, Dr. Rice was just meant to be in Talladega, AL last night? What if her words opened the eyes of someone who had also been told that he or she just would not make it as a college student? What if that individual one day becomes just as successful as Dr. Rice? What if the cycle continues, and this person one day speaks to another class, opening the eyes of another student? That, my friends, is the real American dream... to live, love, fight, win, and eventually change the world. That is what Dr. Rice has done. The point of all of this is that each student that sat in the red chairs on the football field last night has every chance in the world to do anything they wish to do. They can become whatever they wish to be. They can change the lives of others. They can follow their dreams. They can win their battles. They can overcome each obstacle that meets them on their road to success. They can truly make a difference in the world. And, I truly believe that they will.
I always attend THS graduations, even though I no longer live in Talladega. Part of knowing where you want to go is remembering where you came from. That is exactly what Dr. Rice has done. No matter how far she's gone in life, she has never forgotten her roots. And, she gives to others what was not given to her: encouragement, confidence, and an example that one can go as far in life as he or she wants. Success is to a person whatever he or she wishes it to be. Never let the world define you. Define yourself. One can never go wrong as long as he or she is following his or her heart. That is my advice to the graduates. Follow your heart. Always follow your heart. Don't ever give up. Don't ever stop fighting.
As I saw each student walk across the stage, millions of possibilities flashed before my eyes. When the hats flew into the night sky, I thought of my own graduating class, and I smiled from ear to ear. We have all come so far, but at the end of the day, we're still the same young men and women that we were at our own graduation. We're still fighting battles. We're still full of hope and adventure. We're still following our hearts. Every year that I come home for graduation, I want to still be able to feel as proud as I did last night.
The class of 2009 remembered the classmates they'd lost by placing red roses in the chairs that would have been occupied by these students. This especially touched me, because their remembrance for these students will continue long after those roses wilt away. Not a day has gone by that I have not thought of my classmates that have passed away. This is a form of motivation for us all, because we have the chance to do things that our friends will never be able to do. They live in our hearts, and each of our personal victories is a victory for our entire graduating class, including those who are watching over us from Heaven. The beauty of growing up in a small town is found in the friendships that last after high school AND college. Some people believe that growing up in a town like Talladega hinders one from certain opportunities. I have never found this to be true, though. I think that it gives people the type of bond that is much stronger than those found in bigger cities with larger schools. Nothing can hinder a person unless he or she chooses to allow it to. That is a fact.
To the graduates, I'd like to offer my sincere congratulations. Go out into the world now. It is your time to shine. Do not expect whatever path you choose to be easy, because most of the time the hardest thing and the right thing are exactly the same. May God bless each of you with the strength and will to succeed. In this day and age, technology makes it easy to keep in touch with anyone that you wish. Use this. You'll be glad that you did. Remember that time really does fly by just as quickly as everyone told you it would. Before you know it, you'll be graduating from college, getting married, having babies, or getting promotions. You'll be buying your own house, paying bills, and wishing that you could go back to the way things were, even if just for a day. This may not make much sense now, but you'll understand one day. Trust me.
Best of luck to each and every one of you.
Haley Lauren Thomas

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Beautiful comments...Twirl!
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