What is Heaven like?
I've been asking this question since I was a kid. Over the years, I've heard many different descriptions of Heaven, and while I thought they all sounded nice, I wondered if I would be truly happy in a place like the ones they told me about. I decided to learn as much as I could from different sources in hopes that I may find the perfect answer for me out there somewhere. First, I looked at the facts. What do they say about Heaven? According to Wikipedia, Heaven is the physical heavens, the sky or the seemingly endless expanse of the universe beyond. This is the traditional literal meaning of the term in English, however since at least the 11th century, it is typically also used to refer to an afterlife plane of existence (often held to exist in another realm) in various religions and spiritual philosophies, often described as the holiest possible place, accessible by people according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith etc.
According to CBN.com, a spiritual website, Heaven is where God is. He is the light of heaven, the joy of heaven. As you mature in your understanding of the Bible, you realize there is no material concept of heaven that will do it justice. The Bible talks about streets of gold as clear as crystal and walls made out of precious stones (see Revelation 21:18-21). All sorts of images immediately come to mind when we mention heaven. More than anything else, heaven is a spiritual condition where one spiritual being is in touch with another spiritual being, and there is total communication and fellowship.
The Bible says, "He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be nor more pain, for the former things have passed away" (Revelation 21:3-4)."
I like the idea of no death in Heaven, but I'm just not so sure about the other parts of this description. First of all, how can God wipe tears from their eyes if there is no crying? I cry for all kinds of reasons. When something really hilarious happens, I laugh until I cry. When I am so happy I could burst, I cry. When something touches my heart, I cry. Crying is not always a bad thing. A place without crying sounds like a place with very little emotion. There are no extremes, it seems. Also, I do not ever want "the former things" to pass away. I cherish my memories, my life story, the reason I am the person I am. If these things passed away, who would I be? How could I see my friends and family if I no longer have the memories of my life?
Of course, I have to remember that The Bible (and the articles on the internet) were written, translated, and revised by people who were alive. This, of course, means that they had not yet been to Heaven. So, I decided to talk to my best friend, James Carr. He and I always play this game that we just call "the question game." Tonight, we played our game, but instead of asking random questions, we focused on ones about Heaven. I learned a lot during our conversation. Our question game is very much like an interview, although Jamie and I both ask and answer questions. I read silly interviews all the time in magazines about a celebrity's favorite brand of clothing and other various trivial subjects. I'm going to post an interview that has substance, that can open the eyes of others who have asked or been asked the very same questions.
Haley: What is, in your opinion, the popular idea of what Heaven is?
Jamie: The popular thought of Heaven is overwhelming happiness and golden streets. Right?
Haley: Right. What do you NOT want Heaven to be?
Jamie: I don't want Heaven to be so happy that I lose who I am.
Haley: But, aren't you searching for happiness on earth?
Jamie: Not to the extent of losing myself.
Haley: If you're ever truly happy on Earth, will you lose yourself then?
Jamie: I think it's impossible to be truly happy on Earth. Something is always going to happen to bring you back a little.
Haley: Do you think the idea of being born again sounds more pleasant?
Jamie: Nope. You are completely losing your former life and thoughts. I mean, it's like you never even existed.
Haley: So, what's your ideal Heaven?
Jamie: My ideal Heaven is being in control of myself. If I want to remember life and be sad, I should be able to. I shouldn't have to constantly be happy.
Haley: So, it would make you happy to be able to be sad? In an odd way, wouldn't you be happy to be able to remember your life, even the sad parts?
Jamie: I know it's a contradiction, but sometimes I am happy to be sad. Do you understand?
Haley: Totally.
Jamie: What do you think? What do you want it to be?
Haley: I hope that when I die, I'll wake up in a place where all of my loved ones who have passed are lined up to greet me, to take me in, to let me hear their voice. I want to sit around and laugh with my friends. I want to see everyone look and feel like they did on the best day of their life. I want to watch over those that I left behind. I don't care about clouds or streets of gold, I just want to be with the people I love.
Jamie: What about the first week? Year?
Haley: I don't think Time exists there. Time is an earthly thing, I think. God is bigger than Time.
Jamie: Still.... it IS eternity.
Haley: Plus, I don't think they have watch repair shops or jewelry stores in Heaven.
Jamie: Time isn't the issue. You get annoyed with people all the time.
Haley: Sure, but I might be more patient when I'm dead.
Jamie: Would you not get annoyed EVENTUALLY?
Haley: I don't think Heaven consists of the same thing every day. Maybe your life is YOURS, and you can time travel through your memories. That would be awesome!!!
Jamie: That would be horrible.
Haley: WHAT????
Jamie: You would be all alone. The people would only be memories. It wouldn't be the real people.
Haley: Well, it was a good concept.
Jamie: But you are alone. You might as well be a corpse dreaming. I hope St. Peter isn't like " Well you get to remember forever"
Haley: The more I think about it, the less it makes sense.
Jamie: I hope it's as much like life as possible.
Haley: Oh, definitely.
Jamie: What about baby deaths or mentally retarded people? What would they be like?
Haley: Perfect.
Jamie: Will the baby be older?
Haley: I don't think age exists there. I don't think we look the same there. These are just bodies.
Jamie: See, I don't like that. These are bodies that God made with the sole intention of leaving us here. Until Eve screwed everything up.
Haley: What will our souls look like?
Jamie: My soul better look like me.
Haley: Oh, yeah. Eve really messed up. I think good souls are beautiful. The bad ones are probably repulsive and hideous. Do you think we'll see each other in Heaven?
Jamie: I don't think so. We fight too much. The classic definition of Heaven includes no fighting. Will I love my wife there as much as I did on Earth?
Haley: You'll love her more.
Jamie: What if she passes first and I get a new wife?
Haley: I think your first wife would want you to find happiness again. I mean, there isn't sex in Heaven, I'm pretty sure. I don't think those primal instincts exist there, like jealousy, anger, hunger, sexual urges, or exhaustion.
Jamie: So, I wouldn't be myself, then? That's my fear.
Haley: You'll be the person you really are deep inside, the person that only YOU know. That IS you. Are you afraid of dying?
Jamie: The afterlife scares me, not dying.
Haley: I think we're all scared of the unknown. We spend so much time trying to figure it out. I think it just works out in the end. I hope so, anyway. I have to have hope in something.....anything...
Jamie: Would you be immortal if you had the chance?
Haley: No, no, no.
Jamie: Why?
Haley: Life has been hard on me. I've loved hard. My heart has been broken over and over. I've had to lose so many people that I love. I've been so sick that I just wanted to die. The idea of going through this forever seems more awful than ANY kind of Heaven. Life is a test. I want the reward.
Jamie: That was a good answer.
Haley: Why do you WANT to be immortal?
Jamie: I want to see how far we go. I'll be more than happy to go when the world ends.
Haley: Won't it be scary?
Jamie: No, not at all. It will just be God turning the lights off.
The conversation ended here. And, I could not help but find comfort in the realization that nobody knows what Heaven is like. Some people do not even believe it exists. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "To be great is to be misunderstood." If this is true, then Heaven must be just as beautiful as I've always hoped it would be. I think that on Earth, bad things often happen to good people. But, if these people keep their faith through these hard times, they get to go to a place where good things really do happen to good people. A long time ago, when I was just a kid, I asked Brother Larry what he thought Heaven would be like. He said, "Think about the best day you've ever had. Heaven will be even better than that!" I like that idea.
When Jamie said, "It will just be God turning the lights off", I found myself drawn to that idea. Maybe, after living through the trials and tribulations of life, God just holds us in his palm, turns out the lights, and watches us drift off to sleep. We finally get to rest. Maybe Heaven is just one deep sleep, filled with one wonderful dream after another.
Maybe so.
1 comment:
Heaven just got the best person ever! The land of milk and honey...plus coffee and front porches.
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