Monday, November 30, 2009

all the pieces of my heart :)

1. A picture that is in your bedroom:

2. A picture with someone you don't actually like:

3. A picture of you where you could pass for drunk:

4. A picture of you celebrating your birthday:

5. The youngest picture of you on your computer:

6. A picture of you making a stupid face at the camera:

7. A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits:

(I love swimsuits!)

8. A picture with one or both of your parents:

9. A picture of you someone that you wish you still talked to:

10. A picture of you truly being yourself:

11. The most recent picture of you:

12. A picture of you being absolutely ridiculous:

13. A picture of you where you feel on top of the world:

14. A picture of a time in your life that is over, but you wish it wasn't:

15. A time in your life that you're happy is over:

16. A picture of your favorite thing:

17. A picture in which you are anything but happy:

18. A picture of you when you were a different person than you are now:

19. A picture of you with someone you love:

20. A picture of how you'd like the world to see you:

21. A picture of how you want to spend every day:


22. A picture of a time when everything was changing:

23. A picture that makes your heart hurt:

24. A picture that makes your heart smile:

25. A picture of one of the best days of your life:

26. A picture with someone that you miss:

1 comment:

Pattie Thomas said...

I was doing great until I got to the end. Loved your picture show, but more importantly I love you. My creative, sensitive, beautiful Twirl.